Isle of Skye: Fairy Pools and Glen

I didn't know Isle of Skye had stuff to do with Fairies! Just kidding, two of the places I visited during my time there, the Fairy Pools and Fairy Glen, were great locations to go for a relaxed adventure with some pretty sights.

Fairy Pools

The pools are located at the foot of the Black Cuillins near Glenbrittle, a set of clear water pools, popular amongst walkers and those looking to go for a quick dip!

It is an easy 'there-and-back' walk, to visit, approximately 2.5km in length. The walk follows the stream and the pools upstream, after which you turn around and return the way you came. We passed different pools as we walked along the route, so you could stop at ones you enjoy and spend more time there. Swimming in the pools did look tempting, but it looked a bit cold for me (a wetsuit would have been greatly appreciated)

Overall visiting the pools was a nice outing, although I would say that you only need to allow half a day max to visit it - keep it short and sweet.

Link to walk:

Fairy Pools walk on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.
The walking guide to the Fairy Pools near Glenbrittle at the foot of the Black Cuillin Mountains on the Isle of Skye in the Highlands of Scotland.

Fairy Glen

Sticking on the theme of fairies, Fairy Glen was another location we had a look around at. It is located on the west side of Trotternish, and the best way to describe it would be a miniature version of Th Quiraing, mentioned in my other blog posts about Skye.

Fairy Glen contains lots of small hills with paths winding around them, leading you to explore however you fancy. Like the Fairy Pools, it makes for a good half-day excursion. The Isle of Skye does actually have some history and tales to do with fairies, but not this particular location. It was given the name 'Fairy Glen' due to it's peculiar landscape.

One of the hills contained a section of rock, that from afar looks like a ruin, and so sensibly had been named Castle Ewan. We had a climb up the hill to get into it, giving us a view of all the hills in Fairy Glen.

Link to walk:

Fairy Glen | Uig | Isle of Skye, Scotland
The Fairy Glen is located in the hills above the village of Uig on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. A strange landscape created by a landslip.

A fairly (or should I say fairy!) short blog on some more walks on Skye, but nonetheless I hope you enjoyed! And with that concludes my adventures on the west coast of Scotland. The future blogs of my time in Scotland will be centred about the Cairngorms national park, which was the second location for my travels. Feel free to get in touch here :)

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