University People, Passions & Projects #10: Karman Space Programme In this blog, I have a chat with a member of a student team looking to go to infinity and beyond with their exciting project.
People, Passions & Projects People, Passions & Projects #9: tutor4 I talk to Rahul, one of the co-founders of tutor4 - a tutoring platform built by university students.
People, Passions & Projects People, Passions & Projects #8: Neeti YLA I talk to Francesca & Saagar, co-founders of Neeti Young Lawyers Association.
People, Passions & Projects People, Passions & Projects #7: Jaimin L.S.P I talk to Jaimin about his endeavours in language learning, programming and essay writing, and how he keeps it all together.
People, Passions & Projects People, Passions & Projects #6: Edzuki I talk to one of the co-founders of Edzuki on the aim and mission behind this project.
People, Passions & Projects People, Passions & Projects #5: I have a chat with Niraali, a friend of mine, about her artwork.
People, Passions & Projects People, Passions & Projects #4: Niraj Blogs I talk to Niraj about his journey in blogging.
People, Passions & Projects People, Passions & Projects #3: rec.ollections I talk to the photographer behind rec.ollections.
People, Passions & Projects People, Passions & Projects #2: Shivani Loves Food I have a chat with Shivani, a vegan food blogger.
People, Passions & Projects People, Passions & Projects #1: JennaPhoto In the first blog of this series, I talk to Jenna, a photographer based in London, about her work.
People, Passions & Projects People, Passions & Projects: Series Introduction This post will outline the details of the upcoming blog series that I am currently planning.